Friday, September 19, 2008

10 reasons i love fridays

1 last day of school
2 football game3
3 easier than the rest of the week
4 fast day
5 peper rally
6 can stay up late
7 fun blogging
8 just seem relaxing
9 free day in some classes
10 every one is happier then normal

Friday, September 12, 2008

Well i will live in a ship 6 months out of the year the other 6 months i will have a 2 story blue house by the shore so i can have a great view of the sea. I will be a chief on the cuise ship SS (ship name). I with have 2 kids a boy and girl ill be the best pairent but i will teach them valus

Friday, September 5, 2008

MAN i was mad that they did away with the bon fire we should hace the choose to do it or not but live not fair so o well what can ya do i have no ideal what we can do in place of it